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How to Burn 3000 Calories a Day

Burning 3000 Calories

It is a known fact that to lose weight you need to burn calories, but what are calories? And how can you burn more calories in a day that can make up for your weight loss? Calorie is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kg water by 1 degree Celsius at 1 atmospheric pressure. It is also a unit of measurement for the amount of energy released from food due to the oxidation process in the body. There are many ways to burn calories, but the ideal way is to make a calorie deficit that is restrict certain calories in the daily diet and burn some extra calories.
If you plan to burn 3000 calories a day only by means of increased physical activity or exercise then you goal can easily fail as it is not foolproof. So how to burn 3000 calories a day, you can burn calories in ways listed below –

  1. By increasing your metabolic rate – Metabolic rate is the kind of meter your body uses to burn calories. For example if you consume 2500 calories and your body burns the same number of calories then you will stay at the same weight, but if you consume 2500 calories and your body burns just 2000 calories then you will gain weight and vice versa. To burn more calories learn ways to boost your metabolism and work towards it.
  2. Calories burn to provide energy – This includes your basal metabolic rate (BMR), your BMR accounts for the calories burned to provide energy for the basic living necessities like sleeping, walking, sitting, talking and other daily routine activities. You can burn extra calories by indulging yourself in numerous activities that burn calories like walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling, roller skating, playing table tennis, volleyball, badminton, golf, or even practicing yoga.
  3. Increasing the rate at which calories are burned – This can be done by building more body muscles, muscle mass uses more calories than fat mass. So more the muscles the more calories you can burn. 30 minutes weight training sessions for 3 times in a week will help you to build muscles. Besides simply move more to burn more calories for example if you are cooking then stand and chop vegetables instead of chopping them sitting in front of a television or take stairs instead of an elevator. Simple changes like this can help you to remain active and burn more calories. Aerobic exercises can also be combined with weight training. Aerobic workout will not only help you to burn excess calories but will also help you to burn your body fat.
  4. Last but not the least is your food intake – Try to incorporate 300-500 less calories in your diet and burn excess 300-500 calories a day. This is an ideal way to burn calories and have a successful weight loss. Eating small divided meals or eating spicy food will help you to increase your metabolic rate and burn excess calories. However before changing your diet drastically or before starting any exercise regime it is best to consult a health care professional to rule out any health complications.


There are several people all over the globe who struggle with their weight problems. Obesity is one of the fastest growing health concerns, not just in the United States, but all across the world. This problem can be seen in men and women of all ages, including children. It is also common to see people work towards their ideal weight goal, in different ways. There are some who starve themselves for as long as they can; some people eliminate fried foods, sweets and other fattening food items from their diets and eat only low cal foods instead. However, in order to lose weight in the right manner, it is important for you to follow the two fold approach to weight loss. This involves following a healthy diet, i.e., a diet which is high in nutrition, but low in fat and calories and getting an adequate amount of exercise each day.

There are several people who have been heard asking fitness experts “how to burn 1000 calories a day” or even “how to burn 1000 calories an hour”. While it may be possible for you to burn 1000 calories in a single workout session or even in one hour, the idea is to follow a proper weight loss plan, which can help you stay committed and motivated towards your weight goal. It is quite common to see many people start off on a weight loss mission, lose a couple of pounds, but then give up, because the regime that they set for themselves was too strict to follow in the long run. Of course, on the other hand it is very common to see people, who get started on a weight loss plan but then give up within a few weeks, because they do not see the desired results fast enough. Therefore, if you want to reach your weight goal, within a reasonable period of time, it is important for you to plan your approach, set realistic, but motivating targets for yourself and then work towards your goal. This means that you need to know what the difference between your current weight and your ideal weight is and then look at the time duration that you want to lose all the extra weight in. This information should help you plan out your weight loss plan. However, most health experts recommend losing no more than around 1 pound a week, for people who are not excessively overweight.

Since 3500 calories equals 1 pound, this means that you can lose one pound in a week, by burning 500 calories, more than what your daily required caloric consumption is. Therefore, if you are allowed to consume 1,200 calories a day, you can either consume no more than 700 calories, in order to lose weight. Alternately, you could consume 1,200 calories, but then burn off 500 calories a day, by exercising. Neither of these practices is feasible for most people.  This is why most people prefer to consume around 200 or 300 calories less than what they require each day and then burn off another 200 to 300 calories by working out. Burning 300 calories a day is not a difficult task and neither is reducing the consumption of around 200 or 300 calories. This approach is usually the most effective for people who want to lose a pound a week. Of course, there are people who wonder “is burning 300 calories a day good?”. While most healthy or overweight people should burn around that many calories during a workout session, it is best to check with a fitness guide, for individual recommendations. Once you get used to burning 300 calories during a workout session without any trouble, you can look for ways to burn 500 calories a day or even 30 minutes, while working out, in order to keep yourself motivated.

How to burn 500 calories a day?

Once you get used to a regular workout regime and are burning at least 300 calories in one session, you can start looking for ways to enhance your exercise regime, so that the calories burned are much higher. While the number of calories burned performing any activity differs from person, to person, there are several ways in which a person weighing 200 pounds can burn over 500 calories in about half an hour. Options on how to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes include:

•  Vigorous stationary rowing: 510 calories
•  Mountain biking: 510 calories
•  Jumping ropes: 600 calories
•  Playing racquetball: 600 calories

After being able to burn 500 calories in a day, you may want to look for options on how to burn 1000 calories in a workout session.

How to burn 1000 calories in a day?

Since 3500 calories make 1 pound, you need to burn 3500 calories in a week, in case you want to lose a pound. This means that your caloric intake should be 500 calories less than your daily caloric requirement. In case you plan to work out and diet on a daily basis, this is the right target for you. However, if you are aiming to lose 3,500 calories or a pound in a week, without exercising every single day, then you may want to look at options on how to burn 1000 calories in 1 hour or during a single workout session. This way you can meet your goal, in spite of working out no more than 3 or 4 times a week. Given below are some of the options on how to burn 1000 calories at the gym:

•  The calories burned walking are less, compared to running or cycling. Therefore, change your cardio routine to   include    the use of a stationary bike or a run on the treadmill, so that you can burn 100 additional calories.
•  Increase the amount of weights you lift by up to 5%, to burn up to 500 calories.
•  Start walking and running at alternate intervals for increased cardio activity, to burn 150 calories.
•  Include a second cardio session, of climbing stairs or rollerblading, where you can burn 300 calories.

An several home chores are an excellent calorie burner and therefore, you could check with your fitness instructor on how to burn 1000 calories a day at home.

How to burn 3500 calories a day

There are many people who ask their fitness instructors “how to lose 3500 calories a day?”. However, since there are 3500 calories in one pound, a person could lose a pound a day, if he or she tried to burn 3500 calories a day. This is not a very healthy weight loss goal for many people and therefore, requires a doctor’s approval. Moreover, burning 3500 calories or 1 lb in a day would mean that an average person weighing around 200 pounds needs to spend at least 5 hours working out. This is why several fitness experts are also against burning 3500 calories or a pound in one day.

People who are into bodybuilding and muscle toning are known to follow a 3500 calories diet on a daily basis. However, the 3500 calories meal plan may not be advisable for people who are trying to lose weight.

Lose 3000 Calories a day

You probably want to know how to burn 3000 calories a day for the purposes of weight loss. In fact you are not the only one looking for this answer. It is common knowledge that a person needs to burn 3000-3500 calories in order to use up one pound of fat. So if you burn 3000 calories every day, you should easily lose 30 pounds in a month, right? Not always. The real relationship between exercise, calorie count, and weight loss is much more complicated.   

Before starting any serious weight loss program, you should make sure you have all the information and facts. This will help you make the best decisions and design a program that will bring you real, permanent weight loss.

The human body relies on food for its source of energy, glucose. After every meal, the digestive process helps to break down complex food molecules and produce glucose to power the body’s cells. If you suddenly decrease your food intake, you will notice lowered energy levels, lethargy, and weakness. This is because your body is not receiving enough energy for best performance. If you try a “how to burn 3000 calories a day” exercise regime, you will soon pass out from lack of energy. This is the real reason why nutritionists insist you have a good breakfast to enjoy a power-packed day. On the other hand, if you consume more calories than your body needs, the excess is converted to fat and stored on your body.

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), an average healthy man needs 2000-2500 calories a day for a moderately active lifestyle. A similar woman would need about 1700-2000 calories. However, very few of us are just average! Common sense dictates that a man who is above-average in height and musculature will need more than 2500 calories. The other factor has to do with activity levels. For example, swimming champ Michael Phelps eats nearly 12,000 calories per day, enough for six “average men”! However, he also burns these calories during training sessions in the pool.

This is the real secret of losing excess fat: calculate how many calories you are eating and then plan to burn just a little more each day. For example, if you eat 2800 calories each day, you can safely follow a “how to burn 3000 calories a day” plan. Your body will meet its basic energy needs and you will also slowly lose the extra fat. Some people temporarily reduce their calorie intake and exercise hard, hoping to get faster results. However, this only leaves them exhausted and the weight comes rushing back when the calorie intake goes back to regular levels.

Once you have calculated your calorie intake, choose a sport or activity to meet your calorie burn target. Even a simple run for an hour burns nearly 1000 calories! If you have a higher target, try more intense activities such as swimming, tennis, or cross-country skiing. Weight training is also useful, since it burns calories and builds muscle mass to replace the fat. You also need to have a good diet plan. It is difficult to design a “how to burn 3000 calories a day” diet, since every person’s energy needs are different. You should follow a sensible, balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients. Include lean protein for your muscles and complex carbohydrates for the energy needed for regular exercise. Make sure every calorie you consume brings you benefits. For example, alcoholic beverages have high calorie values but no nutrients and should be avoided. This is important for long-lasting weight loss, since unhealthy foods will simply pump back empty calories into your body.
Submitted on January 17, 2014