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Diet and Wellness
Healthy Diet Plan Tips
Submitted by Pallavi on November 5, 2009
Healthy eating can be fun if one chooses a wide range of healthy foods that is not only tasty but also beneficial for health. In order to implement an effective diet plan for yourself, it is important to know your goals and what you desire to achieve. You do not need to deprive yourself of the food that you love nor do you need to make unrealistic diet plans or stick to strict nutritional philosophies. Knowing about some nutrition basics and incorporating them in your meal plan that works best for you can help you to implement an effective diet routine. Opt for foods that you know will improve your health while avoiding different kinds of food that may raise the risk for the diseases such as cardiovascular disease, malignant tumors, hypertension and diabetes.
Lookout for a range of healthy choices and include a wide variety of delicious fruits and vegetables to your daily diet. Here are some important guidelines and tips in order to great and maintain an effective diet plan: The first and most important of all tips is to drink plenty of water over soda beverages or caffeinated drinks. Most people are accustomed to drinking caffeinated cola beverages along with their meals.
Substitute an unhealthy cola beverage for ice cold water with sliced lemons in them. Drinking lemon infused water is not only refreshing but is far healthier than calorie filled beverages. Other options include adding citrus fruits or a splash of juice in the water, drinking infused teas such as mango and peach tea that is loaded with flavor but with very few calories. Another important tip is to remember what you can add to your diet instead of what must be taken away.
Firstly stay focused on getting the recommended five to six servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. This can help you in not only meeting your fiber goals but also help you feel more satisfied from the volume of fresh food that you consume. Due to the wide variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet you are less likely to overeat, moreover the fresh produce helps in displacing the fat in your diet.
Added to it are the numerous health benefits of fruits and vegetables that make it a win-win combination by adding them to your diet. There have been numerous studies and research experiments that document the health benefits and qualities of phytonutrients found in fresh produce. One useful tip is to make vegetables the main part of the meal instead of treating them as side dishes. Seasonal vegetables make for great stir fries, risotto, pilaf and broths or as layers on sandwiches. It is also easy to opt for a variety of vegetables and include them as part of a main course meal. Double check when you are really hungry and make sure that you do not confuse thirst for hunger. Hunger is the body�s way of telling an individual that it requires more fuel, hence when there is a craving that does not come from hunger, consuming food will never satisfy it. It is important to keep your portions reasonable that will help you to get in touch with your feelings of hunger and satiety.
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