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Types Of Minerals

Minerals in food are slightly different from the minerals that we usually mean. While they do not look like the little pieces of rock that we expect, they are the chemical part of foods which contain trace elements. They are very important for the functioning of the body. If you are suffering from a shortfall of any of these elements in your body, you may need to take mineral supplements. Also, some people have a problem absorbing all types of minerals, and may be deficient even if they get enough.

Types of minerals in food

There are two different types of minerals, known as macromineral and trace minerals.
The body needs a larger quantity of macrominerals, which include calcium, chloride, potassium, chloride, sulfur, and sodium. Trace elements are zinc, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, iodine, and fluoride. Of these, iodine is the only one found in salt, and all other minerals around found in food and water. They can also be obtained from supplements which are available over the counter.

Function of minerals

Minerals are an important part of your diet as they help the body in many ways. Different minerals are help for different functions. They help the body’s organs, systems, bones and cells. They also help in the better absorption of nutrients like vitamins and help the body to function better. Examples of this are calcium, which gives strength to the bones, while zinc helps with immunity from germs and diseases.

Sources of minerals

You can get potassium from fish, bananas, citrus fruits, apples, apricots and dark green leafy vegetables. Sodium, which is only found in salt, is also obtained from processed foods. Calcium is got from dairy products like milk, cheese, yoghurt, and fresh juices, soy and rice. Chloride can be obtained from meats like beef, pork, sardines, cheese, corn bread, canned food, olives, corn bread and potatoes. Magnesium, which helps in the formation of teeth and bones, comes from nuts wholegrain cereals, leafy green vegetables, and seafood. Meat and milk also supply us with phosphate.

As with any other nutrient, it is important not to consume too much, as this can also harm your body. If you feel you are short on any mineral, it is a good idea to consult your doctor or health care specialist. As much as possible, you should try to get your daily dose of minerals from natural whole foods, instead of supplements. When you eat processed foods, be sure to look at the nutritional values of the food to tell what kinds of minerals it contains.
Submitted on January 16, 2014