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Ficus carica

Figs were an integral part of the diet of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The fruit was believed to increase strength and swiftness and formed an important part of the diet of the athletes during those days.

Figs are an excellent source of Vitamin B6. Fig juice is an excellent laxative and may even be used on young children. It also soothes irritated bronchia.

Phaseolus vulgaris

French beans are another excellent source of Vitamin B6. It may be consumed in juice form, raw or cooked. However, when it is cooked, there is a considerable loss of nutrients.

The juice is used to stimulate the nervous system and the production of insulin. When combined with Brussels sprout juice it is an excellent treatment for diabetes. Small quantities of the juice may also be used to treat gout.

Fig juice:

The fig is a fruit which is known to be native to the Mediterranean and Asian regions. It is believed that this is one of the first fruits to have been grown by humans and the nutritional value of figs has always been prized in countries such as Greece. The ancient Greeks used to include both figs that were both fresh and dried in their diets, especially in the diets of their athletes. A fig’s nutritional value is derived from its content of fiber, water and minerals such as calcium, potassium and manganese.

The fact that it is a relatively low calorie fruit goes a long way in making it a favorite on health food charts. Figs are also a low intensity laxative and regular consumption will help keep the bowels healthy. Figs can be consumed fresh during the warmer months of the years – from about June to September. For the rest of the year, dried figs can be consumed. It is recommended that figs are consumed fresh as far as possible because dried figs have a much higher sugar content than fresh figs. This makes them more fattening and also more likely to have a detrimental effect on the teeth.

Fig juice is mostly commonly bought from a super marker. Alternatively, it can be made at home by using a juicer. It is likely that the juice might need to be strained once it is done so it is recommended that a strainer is kept handy. Fig juice is used most commonly to clear bronchial infections. Fig juice soothes the mucous membranes in the throat and helps reduce irritation. Fig juice can also be used to deal with constipation problems.

A combination of oat milk and fig juice will help relieve constipation symptoms. This is made by taking about 300 ml of oat milk and combining it with 90 ml of fig juice and some licorice extract. This must be consumed soon after waking up to have the desired effect. Constipation can also be dealt with by mixing equal measures of fig juice and prune juice and drinking it early in the morning. Fig juice can also be used to deal with bladder stones. A bladder stone is defined as a mineral deposit in the bladder. Concentrated fig juice contains a large number minerals and nutrients and is also very low in cholesterol and sodium and is hence a good food choice to help fight bladder stones.

Submitted on January 16, 2014