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Diet And Fruits For Cough

A cough is the most common symptom of a respiratory tract infection and so we use the word ‘cough’ as a broad term for common throat infections. Children have immature immune systems and so they are susceptible to common respiratory infections. An immunity boosting diet plan or a “cough diet plan” will help to prevent and treat a cough. You can create your own cough diet plan based on a list of foods that will help to reduce the severity of the underlying infection as well as the symptoms. Discuss these foods for cough with your doctor or with a nutritionist before you draw up a specific diet for cough.

Intake of Vitamin Rich Foods:

Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for the proper functioning of the immune system.

We associate Vitamin C with fruits like lemons and oranges but when you have a cough these fruits could irritate the inflamed tissues of your throat. Instead, you can have a thick broth made with broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage, as these veggies are excellent sources of vitamin C. In addition to Vitamin C, your immune system also requires other vitamins such as Vitamins A, B, D, and E. Your diet should include a wide variety of vitamin rich foods such carrots, spinach, tomato, dandelion, whole grains, and legumes. If you are a non-vegetarian, egg yolk, fish, and chicken are good options. Steamed apples can be the perfect fruit to eat for cough as it helps to soothe the throat and increases appetite. You can also steam other fruits such as grapes, pears, and papaya for variety.

Foods That Stimulate The Immune System:

Apart from Vitamin C, your immune system also requires other nutrients such as proteins, healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Foods that contain these nutrients are often referred to as immunity boosters and they should be included in a cough diet plan. Onions, garlic and ginger are some of the best foods that can be added to your meals to help treat cough. These foods contain anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties that help in the treatment of the condition. A large bowl of homemade chicken broth with a sprinkling of finely chopped nuts is an excellent source of proteins and healthy fatty acids.

Foods To Cure A Cough

There are certain foods that have immense therapeutic value for throat infections as they help to reduce the severity of the symptoms.

  • Honey: Honey soothes the throat and provides relief from the soreness that is caused by excessive coughing. Grape juice mixed with honey is also very useful in treatment of this condition. Grapes have expectorant properties that help in expelling mucus from the lungs and throat.
  • Ginger: Ginger is a hot spice that is very effective in the treatment of congestion. A glass of hot ginger tea will help to loosen thickened mucus and phlegm within the respiratory system so that it can be easily expelled when the person coughs. Ginger is especially effective in treating a nonproductive cough (where there is no sputum produced during a coughing bout).
  • Garlic: Preliminary results from a several studies suggest that garlic can help to prevent as well as treat colds and coughs. Garlic contains allicin and other Organosulfur compounds that help to fortify the immune system and overcome infectious viruses and bacteria. Add a small amount of chopped garlic to a glass of hot water, stir it vigorously, and then allow it to sit undisturbed for 5 minutes. Drink this liquid while it is still warm to soothe your sore throat and get rid of your cough.

Foods to Avoid for Cough

Along with knowing what to eat when suffering from cough, it is also important to know which foods to avoid. First, you need to substitute all canned and processed foods for natural foods. Next, you will need to avoid foods that may aggravate your condition - ice creams, carbonated drinks, and sour foods like vinegar and pickles will have to go. Lastly, it is better to avoid red meat as far as possible as it places unnecessary stress on your digestive system. In case your cough persists or if it becomes worse in time, or if you develop a fever, visit your doctor as soon as possible.


Submitted on January 16, 2014