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Bursitis causes, symptoms and treatment

Bursitis is the inflammation of the joints, which is a result of excessive use of joints or stress. Bursae are sacs filled with fluid. They act as a lubricant, thereby help in easy movement of the joints. They also act cushions or shock absorbers, in between the muscles and tendons and the bones. What is bursitis?

Inflammation of the bursa causes bursitis. Any kind of movement and pressure causes immense pain in the affected area.

Bursitis symptoms include stiffness of the joints, feeling of warmth, redness of the skin, inflammation and increase in pain due to pressure. Bursitis of the hip fails to show most of the above symptoms, as they are embedded in the muscles. Pain in the thigh bone indicates hip bursitis. Bursitis causes involve stress, excessive use, pressure on the joints and trauma to the joints. Certain kinds of infection also result in bursitis, such as arthritis, infection and gout. Bursitis occurs in various areas of the body. It is common in the hip region, due to long hours of standing or sitting. Injury of the rotator cuff causes bursitis in the shoulder. This is the region that holds the upper arm and the shoulder blades together.

Bursitis of the hip is due to sitting on hard surfaces for a long time, such as a bike. Bursitis of the knee is the most common, due to kneeling activities, such as gardening, mopping the floor and so on. Individuals with gout, staphylococcal infection and arthritis are at higher risk for bursitis. Bursitis treatment calls for medical attention, in case of fever, shooting pain, pain that disables the individual, presence of diabetes mellitus, autoimmune diseases and so on. Certain medications increase the probability of infection, like, immunosuppressants and corticosteroids.

Treatment for bursitis is simple and done at the home level. Apply ice pack or cold compress to get relief. Rest the affected area for some time. Reduce the intensity of movement of the specific area. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) provide relief from pain. Home care provides relief in a few weeks. Exercises help in providing strength to the affected muscles. Surgical removal of the bursa is possible, though it is not always necessary. Internal injection of corticosteroids also proves beneficial in providing relief from inflammation.

Control the flaring up of bursitis by following certain guidelines. These are some of the effective bursitis treatments

  1. Use chairs with cushions
  2. Warm ups, prior to activity are useful
  3. A proper posture is important
  4. Take breaks in between activities
Submitted on January 16, 2014