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Bed Wetting or Nocturnal Enuresis

Bed wetting is urination that occurs at night which is involuntary at the age when the control of bladder should be achieved. Medically, the term is also called as nocturnal enuresis. Thus Nocturnal enuresis is defined as repeated urination in bed or clothes that occurs at least 2 times a week, for 3 months, in children at an age of 5 years without any medical condition or any other reason.

Girls learn to remain dry at the age of six and boys learn to remain dry at the age of seven. Children can outgrow this habit after an age. However few children cannot outgrow this problem and hence 0.5 to 1 % adults still have to deal with bed wetting.

Individuals who are enuretic beyond the age of 18 may have this problem throughout their life.

The two types of nocturnal enuresis are:

  1. Primary nocturnal enuresis: This condition occurs in children who wet the bed beyond the age when bladder control should be achieved. Such children do wet the bed at an average of two nights a week, cannot remain dry for long periods of time and cannot sleep dry if not taken to the toilet by some one. This problem is observed at an age of 4 to 5 years.
  2. Secondary nocturnal enuresis: Secondary enuresis can occur in individuals who have gained the bladder control and can remain dry at night and then revert back to bed wetting. This can occur due to developmental problem and certain medical illness.

Symptoms of Bed wetting
Symptoms of bed wetting include wetting the bed probably during night time and sometimes during the day. Some people may complain of pain while urinating. Some people may develop sleep disorder which is hereditary. Bedwetters may get up late and may be irritable at times.

Causes of bed wetting

The causes of bed wetting are as follows:

  1. Development delay: There may be neurological delays in children. Children delay in learning to control the bladder and to remain dry.
  2. Hereditary: Enuretic parents can have enuretic children. Children of non enuretic parents may have only 15% incidence of bed wetting. However if any of the parents are enuretic then the incidence of bed wetting can increase up to 44 % to 77%.
  3. Infection: Certain infections like urinary tract infection can cause secondary nocturnal enuresis and even day time bed wetting.
  4. Insufficient anti diuretic hormone: Some bed wetting children may produce less antidiuretuc hormone. This hormone production is increased in the night that can signal the body for production of less urine. However this development is not achieved by birth. It needs to be developed from 2 years till the age of puberty. Certain children may not develop it till the age of ten.
  5. Psychological problems: Certain psychological problems like death, sexual abuse or bullying can be the cause for secondary nocturnal enuresis. Certain instances that lead to stress in an individual like loss of loved ones, shifting to a new town, new house, arrival of a new baby, divorce of the parents can lead to bed wetting.
  6. Constipation: Constipation can lead to bed wetting. Due to constipation the bowels tend to be full leading to pressure on the urinary bladder.

Home remedies for bed wetting
Bed wetting needs to be controlled in children as well as in adults before it becomes too frustrating and depressing for the individual.

  1. It is necessary to toilet train the child.
  2. Avoid making him drink water before going to bed.
  3. Make a habit of going to the toilet before going to bed especially in case of children.
  4. Encourage your child to remain dry this night.
  5. Do not scold the child for bed wetting.
  6. Have patience and be empathetic towards the child. Any child can suffer from bed wetting. Teach your child about bladder control patiently.
  7. Drink herbal tea made from oak bark, worm wood and horse tail.
  8. Take 2 tsp of walnut halves and 1 teaspoon of raisins.

Diet to prevent bedwetting
There is no specific diet for bedwetting. However, have natural foods containing all the nutrients. Have fiber rich foods to prevent constipation. Have foods rich in calcium, magnesium like banana, milk and almonds. Avoid allergic foods like egg, tomatoes, soy, dairy products, and wheat. Avoid chocolates, alcohol and sweets to prevent adult bed wetting. Do not drink water before bedtime.

Submitted on January 16, 2014