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Anise Hissop And Benefits Of Hyssop

Hyssop has been used for its medicinal properties for thousands of years. It is popularly used to extract oil and this oil is used to treat several health problems. Known as Hyssopus Officinalis, in the botanical world, Hyssop is revered for its anti-microbial and anti-septic properties.

Hyssop Seeds And Hyssop Essential Oil

Let’s look at the health benefits of hyssop:

Astringent: The astringent properties in hyssop are good for treating wrinkles, sagging skin, loose muscles, and can even prevent hemorrhage by constricting the blood vessels.

Anti-spasmodic: The anti-spasmodic properties in hyssop can bring relief from spasmodic coughs, spasms in the respiratory system, muscular spasms, cramps, spasmodic cholera and spasms in the intestines.

Anti-rheumatic: It is good for blood circulation and can cure problems like swelling, gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

Anti-septic: With its anti-septic properties, hyssop is good for curing cuts and abrasions. Hyssop oil, some believe, can also prevent tetanus, in a wound caused by an iron object.

Carminative: The carminative properties in hyssop can cure flatulence in the stomach and intestines; can relieve heaviness, indigestion, and nausea; and, can prevent nausea and stomachache.

Cicatrisant: The oil extracted from hyssop can help to clear marks caused due to insect bites, infections, pox, and boils.

Digestive: Hyssop aids digestion, and the stimulant in this herb is good for improving the secretion of gastric juices.

Diuretic: This herb is great for flushing out the toxins from the body by removing all the extra fats, sodium and water from the body. It also increases urination, which in turn, helps to lower the blood pressure. Hyssop is good for cardiac health too.

The properties in the hyssop oil can actually be beneficial for women who suffer from painful, irregular and exhausting periods. Those who consume hyssop have more regular periods. Even the symptoms like nausea, exhaustion, loss of appetite can be overcome with hyssop.

Expectorant: If you have phlegm in the respiratory tract, then hyssop can loosen that. It can even cure health problems arising from cold.

Febrifuge: During fever, toxins tend to get accumulated in the body. But hyssop can reduce the infections by flushing out the toxins.
High Blood Pressure: Since hyssop increases the blood circulation, it can lower high blood pressure, and relax the entire body.

Sore Throat: Hyssop can cure sore throats. It can be brewed into a healthy tea; used during gargle; or, a compress made of the herb can be applied to the throat for relief.

Inflammation and Bruises:
The leaves of hyssop are said to act as a pain-relieving agent, and can cure swellings, bruises and insect bites. Make it into a poultice and apply it to the affected area.

Hyssop Herb

Scientifically referred to as Hyssopus officinalis, hyssop herb is native to Central Asia and the East Mediterranean region. The hyssop herb plant is aromatic in nature and has a minty flavor. Hyssop herb is an herbaceous semi-wood plant, bearing beautiful blue flowers. It can be used in various forms including herbal paste, infusion, essential oil, and herbal tea. Hyssop essential oil is extracted through the process of steam distillation of the leaves and flowers of the hyssop plant.

What is hyssop good for? Some of the common hyssop benefits are listed as follows:
•  First and foremost, hyssop herb is diuretic in action. It helps in removal of waste materials from the body by promoting excretion and frequent urination. This helps in detoxifying the body.

•  Another one of hyssop herb’s benefits is its ability to regulate menstruation cycle in females, thereby serving as a potent emenagogue. It regularizes menstruation and alleviates pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS).

•  Another hyssop health benefit is its ability to cure wounds and prevent infections. It is anti-microbial in action and prevents the septic infection of wounds, thereby serving as an excellent antiseptic agent. 

•  Hyssop herb also helps promote digestion by catalyzing the synthesis of digestive juices and enzymes. As such, it assists in the digestion of food and absorption and assimilation of nutrients. It also helps prevent various digestive ailments like constipation.

•  One of hyssop’s health benefits is its ability to relive spasms of stomach and respiratory system. This is because hyssop herb is anti-spasmodic in action.

•  Another one of the benefits of hyssop herb is that it causes the blood vessels to contract, which, in turn, prevents sagging of the skin. Thus, the hyssop plant helps in preventing signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles; this can be attributed to its astringent like properties.

•  One of the other health benefits of hyssop is its ability to tighten the gums and keep the mouth clean and hygienic. As such, it is vital for oral and dental health.

•  Hyssop oil benefits the body by improving and enhancing blood circulation. This property of hyssop oil helps prevents various infections including arthritis, rheumatism, and gout.

•  Hyssop herb is a potent carminative, helping in clearing gas from the stomach and relieving afflictions of stomach, including heaviness in stomach, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and indigestion. 

•  Another one of the benefits of hyssop herb is its ability to bring down fever, thereby serving as a potent febrifuge. It helps fight infections and removes toxins from the body that are the major causes of fever.

•  Hyssop oil is an excellent cicatrisant, promoting the healing of deep wounds. It also helps in removing scars and marks on skin, especially caused by boils, insect bites, pox, and infections.

•  Hyssop herb uses also include clearing mucous and other deposits in the respiratory tract. As such, hyssop herb is a potent expectorant.

•  Hyssop herb is hypertensive in action, which helps raise blood pressure. Hence, it is beneficial to those suffering from hypotension. It relieves the symptoms of low blood pressure, which are headache, nausea, and vomiting.

•  Hyssop herb is a potent nervine that helps maintain the health of nervous system; it especially helps in cases of nervousness, convulsions, and vertigo.

• Hyssop herb oil is sudorific in action. It promotes perspiration causing the secretion of sweat, which, in turn, helps remove toxins and excess water from the body. This helps improve skin tone and texture and also prevents the body from a variety of diseases.

• Hyssop herb is an excellent stimulant. It stimulates the endocrine gland that secretes a variety of hormones, which, in turn, stimulates all the physiological systems including the circulatory, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems.

• Hyssop herb is also a potent vermifuge, or in other words, an agent that kills worms. As such, it helps kill worms in the intestines, thereby leading to absorption and assimilation of nutrients in the body. Moreover, it promotes normal growth and development in children by killing worms in their digestive system.

• You can also prepare hyssop herb tea. One of the benefits of hyssop tea is its ability to prevent and cure infectious diseases like cholera and diphtheria, among others. It also promotes quick healing of infections, thereby serving as a powerful vulnerary.

• Another benefit of hyssop oil is ability to cure skin diseases. It prevents and cures a variety of skin diseases including eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis. It also moisturizes the skin, making it smooth and supple.

• Hyssop herb is anti-inflammatory in action, and as such, it helps prevent diseases including cold, flu, cough, and fever. In order to cure a cold, hyssop herb can be used as an infusion.

• One of hyssop herb’s uses is its effectiveness against a variety of diseases of the respiratory tract including tonsillitis and bronchitis. 

• Hyssop health therapy helps in curing pains in the joints. It regulates the skeletal system of the body, thereby maintaining the level of synovial fluid. As such, it helps prevent diseases related to the joints and bones.

• Since hyssop herb helps in regulating the nervous system, it subsequently helps to maintain emotional balance. It enhances the feeling of elation and alleviates anger, stress, and depression. It also helps relieve insomnia.

• One of the other hyssop herbal uses is ability to cure a sore throat.

• Hyssop oil, on account of its mint like flavor, is used in a variety of culinary preparations. It can be used as a flavoring agent in soups, salads, and meat dishes.

These are some of hyssop herb’s uses. However, there are a few points of caution that must be kept in mind. Although hyssop is a nontoxic oil, it can lead to adverse effects in pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy. This can be attributed to the presence of a compound in hyssop, namely, pinocamphone. This compound stimulates the nerves, but it can be dangerous for epilepsy patients and pregnant women due to their feeble state of physical health. Also, it is recommended that hyssop oil be used only under the supervision of aromatherapy experts. You should always dilute hyssop essential oil with carrier oils like olive or coconut oils before using it for topical application.

Submitted on January 16, 2014