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Chrysanthemum Health Benefits

Chrysanthemum, also known as chrysanths or mums, belong to the Asteraceae family and are a variety of flowering perennial plants native to North Eastern Europe and Asia. These plants have a number of ornamental, culinary, environmental, insecticidal, and medicinal uses that are known to man since centuries. Chinese medicine still uses an herbal infusion of chrysanthemum for treating problems like fever and sore throat among many other ailments. People commonly consume it in tea form for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections, digestive problems, sinusitis, and for improving eyesight and hearing. Some of the important information and facts about this plant are as under:
  • The most medicinal parts of this plant are the flowers and leaves
  • Some of its main ingredients include chlorogenic acid, flavonoids, and carotene.
  • It is a rich source of vitamin A, B6, C, K, riboflavin, and thiamine
  • It contains essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, folate, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, zinc, and copper
  • It is also used in cooking soups, stews, hot pots, casserole dishes, and stir-fries in Asian cuisines
  • It is an excellent source of antioxidants that help prevent and treat a number of diseases and disorders
Chrysanthemum And Health:

Chinese and herbal medical practitioners advocate the effectiveness of chrysanthemum tea in the treatment of a number of health problems. The various health benefits of chrysanthemum are as follows:
  • It is a rich source of vitamin C and is therefore very effective in treating viral and bacterial infections. One of the medicinal uses of chrysanthemum tea is that it helps relieve the symptoms of sinusitis and cold and eases head heaviness.
  • One of the other chrysanthemum health benefits is that it is a natural coolant and helps lower body temperature while suffering from fevers or heat strokes.
  • Chrysanthemum is also a well-known natural remedy for acne and pimples. You can either drink it in tea form or use it as an herbal poultice for the topical treatment of acne and pimples.
  • Experts also recommend using chrysanthemum for skin problems like boils, skin sores, irritation, and allergic skin reactions. Its powerful anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties help in treating these problems effectively.
  • Chrysanthemum tea helps regulate high blood pressure and is therefore very beneficial to hypertension patients. It is also a good remedy for calming the nerves and easing anxiety, stress, and mental fatigue.
  • One of the health benefits of chrysanthemum is that it increases blood flow to the heart, thereby making it effective for maintaining good cardiac health.
  • Chrysanthemum tea consumed with meals helps in boosting digestion, especially in the case of oily and greasy foods.
  • Being low in calories, chrysanthemum tea is also good for obese as well as weight conscious people.
  • Research shows that chrysanthemum tea may also be good for people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease. Chrysanthemum contains neuro-protective properties that help prevent neuron injury and degeneration.
  • Chrysanthemum is also a good treatment for other problems like eye irritation, conjunctivitis, ulcerative colitis, and migraines.

Chrysanthemum Side Effects

Although there is a multitude of chrysanthemum benefits, there are also a number of well-known chrysanthemum side effects on health. Some of the common side effects of chrysanthemum are as follows:
  • Contact dermatitis: Chrysanthemums may cause contact dermatitis in some people and red, itchy patches of skin characterize this condition. This skin problem occurs because of some chemical component in either the plant that irritates the skin or because the individual is allergic to the plant.
  • Allergies: Individuals who are sensitive to allergens may have allergic reactions to chrysanthemum. People who are already allergic to flowers from the daisy family should avoid chrysanthemums as far as possible as these may worsen their allergic reactions. Chrysanthemum may cause mild reactions like skin rash as well as serious reactions like hives or asthma.
  • Pregnancy: Use of chrysanthemums or products containing chrysanthemum is never recommended during pregnancy, as there is inadequate evidence to support the safety of chrysanthemums during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Photosensitivity: People suffering from skin sensitivity may also experience photosensitivity if their skin is first exposed to chrysanthemum and then to ultraviolet light.
  • Insulin sensitivity: Certain chrysanthemum products may elevate insulin sensitivity in patients suffering from non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Therefore, patients taking insulin should refrain from using any chrysanthemum products.
  • Poisoning: Chemicals known as pyrethrins are present in chrysanthemums and these chemicals are used to make pesticides and insecticides. These chemicals in chrysanthemums may cause problems like eye damage, poisoning, and inflammation of the central nervous system because of prolonged exposure to the products.
  • Additive effects: People taking drugs for HIV/AIDS, cancer and other inflammatory diseases must avoid chrysanthemum products as these may negatively interact with the medications and may inhibit or intensify their effect on the body.
Submitted on January 27, 2012