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Nutritional Yeast Calories

Nutritional yeast is a culinary supplement that can be used as a flavoring agent. Nutritional yeast is a yellow colored powder like substance. Depending on the manufacturer, it may taste like some nuts, like parmesan cheese or like cream. This makes it an ideal substitute for these dairy based products. People with lactose intolerance may use nutritional yeast as a substitute in dishes that require cheeses, particularly as a garnishing agent.
People who follow a vegan diet use nutritional yeast as a dietary supplement. Nutritional yeast may be used as a garnish on top of some dishes or as an ingredient in the mixture. From a health point of view, nutritional yeast scores extremely high. It contains many proteins, vitamins and minerals. B-complex vitamins are present in this food item. Nutritional yeast also has less fat than its dairy counterpart.

There is also low sodium content. All these facts make it clear that nutritional yeast is a champion for anybody suffering from a condition that requires them to reduce fat intake and reduce sodium intake. It is important to note that some people may suffer from side effects when consuming nutritional yeast. These side effects are similar to those suffered by people who have a problem with monosodium glutamate, MSG. These side effects include chest pains, digestive distress and a feeling of being bloated. This is because there is a type of glutamate that may be present in the yeast as well. One should also note that this type of yeast is different from baker’s yeast which is used for baking, particularly for bread.

The typical nutritional values for nutritional yeast depend on the brand and formulation of the yeast. However this can be estimated based on an average amount. A normal serving of good quality nutritional yeast will contain around 50 calories. This serving size is calculated as 1 and a half tablespoons. There is no cholesterol content, less than 1 gram of fat content and a negligible quantity of sodium. While nutritional yeast scores impressively in terms of fat, it should be noted that some people require fat in their diets and reducing fat consumption beyond the minimum requirement is dangerous to the health of such individuals. Cheeses do have a nutritional value themselves, and when one eliminates cheese from a diet, one should replace the good nutrition that it provides with another source for the same type of nutrition.
Submitted on January 16, 2014