Pistachio Salmon Nudget Dip Recipe

By | January 6, 2009

Pistachio Butter Recipe With Mayonnaise And Herbs

Pistachio Recipe Ingredients:

1 pound salmon fillet, cut into 1 inch thick slices
1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated
1 tablespoon cooking oil
2 teaspoon sesame oil, toasted
2 tablespoon soy sauce, reduced sodium
2 tablespoon water
1 tablespoon pistachio nuts, chopped finely


  1. If you use frozen fish then make sure to thaw it thoroughly before proceeding further. Rinse the fish under tap water and pat it dry with the help of paper towels. Cut each salmon slice into 1 inch thick chunks. Place the fish chunks in a re-sealable plastic bag that is set in a shallow dish.
  2. To prepare the marinade combine soya sauce, water, grated ginger, sesame oil and 1 tablespoon cooking oil in a medium bowl. Pour this marinade in the re-sealable bag with fish chunks. Seal the bag and turn it 2 to 3 times so as the marinade is evenly coated over the fish. Place the bag in the refrigerator for 30 to 40 minutes. You may turn the bag occasionally.
  3. Remove the bag from the fridge and drain salmon chunks, discard any liquid marinade.
  4. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon cooking oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. As the oil turns warm add half the amount of marinated salmon chunks and cook for 3 to 5 minutes. Gently stir the fish for even cooking and to prevent burning at the base. Check with the help of a fork, if the fish flakes easily then consider it done. Remove the fish from skillet and place it over paper towel (paper towels will help to soak any excess oil from the fish chunks). Cook the remaining fish chunks similarly, stirring occasionally. Remove this back on the paper towel. Transfer the fish chunks to a serving dish and sprinkle finely chopped pistachio nuts over it. Serve hot. This recipe makes 10 servings.

Health Tip:

  • Pistachio salmon nugget is a low calorie, diabetes friendly recipe which provides about 74 calories and 4 gm total fat per serving.
  • This recipe can be an ideal choice for people on low carbohydrate high protein diet as it practically provides negligible amounts of carbohydrates and 9 gm protein per serving.
  • Pistachio salmon nuggets can also be considered a heart friendly recipe and can be enjoyed by people on low cholesterol diets and low sodium diets as it provides only 24 mg cholesterol, 1 gm saturated fats and 88 mg sodium per serving. Moreover the healthy onega-3 fatty acids from the fish will have a protective effect against cardio vascular diseases.