Grated Carrot Smoothie Recipes With Nutritional Ingredients

By | January 12, 2009

Nutritional Carrot Smoothie Recipes For Supper

Carrot Smoothie Ingredients:

½ cup grated carrots
½ cup fresh carrot juice
½ cup soft silken tofu
1 cup frozen vanilla yogurt, low fat or fat free
2 tablespoon orange juice concentrate
1 tablespoon lemon juice
¼ teaspoon fresh ginger, grated
Dash of salt
2 tablespoon pumpkin seeds or orange peel curls, for garnish (optional)


  1. Extract ½ cup carrot juice in a juicer from fresh carrots and chill it in the refrigerator.
  2. In a blender combine chilled carrot juice along with ½ cup grated carrots and silken soft tofu. Add orange juice concentrate, grated ginger, low fat plain vanilla yogurt, and a dash of salt in the blender and cover the lid. Blend for 2 minutes on medium speed or blend until you get a smooth and thick liquid.
  3. Pour the smoothie in 2 tall but narrow glasses and garnish with fresh orange peel or pumpkin seeds, if desired. Serve chilled. This recipe makes 2 servings.
  4. Variation to this recipe: Cook carrot slices in small amounts of boiling water for 15 to 16 minutes or until it turns tender. Drain the boiling water and let the cooked carrots cool for 10 minutes. Blend one cup cooked carrots along with one cup fresh orange juice, a teaspoon of orange peels and 1 cup ice cubes. Cover the blender and blend on medium speed to get a smooth liquid. Serve as mentioned above and garnish with fresh orange peel.

Health Tip:

  • Carrot smoothie is a low calorie, vegetarian, quick smoothie which can be prepared within 20 to 25 minutes.
  • If you choose to use plain low fat yogurt then this recipe will provide little more calories mainly from carbohydrates and proteins. As low fat yogurt is been used in this recipe calories from fat will be negligible.
  • Carrots the main ingredient in carrot smoothie is packed with vitamin A, a potent antioxidant which helps to protect your vision.
  • Carrot along with orange juice is a wonderful combination of powerful antioxidants like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K.
  • Carrots are also ranked high in carotenoids, carotenoids are associated with a lowered risk of cardiovascular diseases and also offer optimal overall health. Carotenoids are also beneficial in regulating your blood sugar levels. Falcarinol, a phytonutrient in carrots have been associated with a reduced risk of cancers, especially colon cancer. Carrot is one vitamin A rich food which when included in your diet helps to promote your lung health. Thus carrot smoothie is not only a yummy recipe for your taste buds, but also a prudent choice for in general health.