Crispy Walnut Waffles Recipes For Breakfast

By | November 14, 2008

Cooking Waffles with Walnut Recipes

A walnut waffle with blueberry sauce is a delicious crunchy recipe, the walnuts give a nutty flavor and the waffles give a nice crunch to the recipe.

Waffles Ingredients:

½ cup all purpose flour
½ cup whole wheat flour
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon low sodium baking powder
1/8 cup walnuts, chopped (toasted and ground)
2 egg whites
1 cup butter milk, low fat
1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen according to availability
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
½ tablespoon honey
1/8 cup white grape juice


  1. Take a medium sized bowl and stir together all the flour that is all purpose flours, wheat flour, baking soda, low sodium baking powder, and walnuts.
  2. In another bowl beat the egg whites with a wire whisk or an electric beater until very foamy. Add oil and buttermilk gradually to the foamy eggs and stir. Then gradually add the flour mixture and stir with your hands to make sure there are no lumps in the mixture. Stir gradually until the mixture is smooth.
  3. Lightly grease a round or square waffle maker. Preheat the oven and waffle maker at 350 degree Fahrenheit.
  4. If you use square waffle maker pour around half cup of batter and if you use a round waffle maker pour little less than half the batter. Close the lid of the waffle maker quickly and tightly and leave in the oven to get baked. Bake according to the instructions given by the manufacturer. Do not open the lid of the waffle maker until the waffles are done.
  5. When the waffles are done, with the help of a fork lift the waffles from the grids. Repeat the same baking procedure with the remaining batter to make more waffles.
  6. For the blueberry sauce: take a medium sauce pan and combine half the amount of blueberries, grape juice, and honey together. Heat on a low flame until bubbles form around the edges of the mixture. Cool slightly before you transfer the mixture in the blender. Blend until the mixture is smooth and transfer the sauce in a serving bowl. Stir in remaining blue berries and serve with warm crispy waffles.

Health tip:

  • This recipe can be safely consumed by individuals with diabetes.
  • It provides around 225 calories, 8 gm proteins and 7 gm fat per serving.
  • If fresh berries are in season you can prefer fresh berries over the frozen ones. You may also use any other berries of your choice to give different flavor to the recipe.