Ear Infection Home Remedy: Treatment | Swimmers Ear | Pain Home Remedy

By | May 25, 2010

Ear Infection Home Remedy

There are various kinds of home remedies for middle ear and outer ear infections. Let’s first learn a bit more about ear infections.

Otitis is the term used for ear infections or ear inflammations. There are three types of ear infections.

Otitis externa, which is also known as External Otitis: This infection is commonly known as Swimmer’s ear. There is a protective film on top of the ear canal, known as lipid layer. This layer is removed, and the ear canal looks swollen and ruddy. This happens when debris, dirt or water enters the ear canal. It can also lead to malignant external otitis when the bacteria begin to affect the bones in the ear, and then the infection spreads to the base of the skull.

Otitis media, which is known as Middle Ear Infection: The middle ear is the part behind the eardrum and is a small cavity of air. Infections that cause breathing problems, colds and sore throats can spread to the middle ear and cause middle ear infections. When viruses and bacteria enter the middle ear, the area fills up with fluid. So, when a person gets this sort of infection, he feels that his ear has turned into a balloon that’s about to pop. This infection is common during the childhood years.

Otitis interna, is also known as Labyrinthitis: This infection affects the inner ear and affects the sense organs for balance and hearing. When a person gets Otitis interna, he feels that the room is spinning.

Symptoms: The symptoms of ear infection includes headache, fever, trouble responding to sounds, problem falling asleep, itching, pain, fullness in the ear, discharge, loss of hearing, coughing, irritability, lack of appetite, discomfort or pain in the ear, vomiting, nasal congestion, sleeplessness, fever. The symptoms may vary according to the infection that a person has.

Ear Infection Treatment : If you have Swimmer’s Ear, then you can follow these tips. If your infection is mild, then avoid washing hair and swimming. You can ask a health care provider to prescribe topical solutions that contain antifungal or antibacterial antibiotics that acidify the ear and can suppress the growth of bacteria. If there is severe swelling in the soft tissue, then the doctor may prescribe oral anti-pseudomonal antibiotics. To minimize itching and swelling, the doctor may ask you to take drops that contain anti-inflammatory steroids. You might also need to go to a health care provider to get dead skin, pus and wax removed because this will hasten your recovery.