Home Remedies for Herpes
Herpes is considered to be one of the most contagious viral infections all over the world and is considered to be a sexually transmitted disease because of the fact that it spreads from one individual to another through a sexual act or oral sex. Known by a variety of names including mononucleosis, chickenpox and shingles, the condition is characterized by the development of small red bumps and blisters on various parts of the skin as well as the prominence of excessive pain and itching around affected regions. The condition is said to be genital herpes when present primarily around the genital area, or just below the waist line. The condition can range in severity from being mild to moderate to severe and can affect men and women equally. While primarily considered to be an STD, the condition can also be transmitted from one individual to another by sharing eating utensils or kissing. Once the herpes virus has entered the body, you can treat the outbreak and cause the virus to become dormant. However, the virus will never really leave the body and strains that remain may cause acute outbreaks once in a while depending on other factors such as stress and hormonal levels within the body.
Treating Herpes
There are a number of home remedies for herpes that have been developed in order to help an affected individual cope with the complications of the condition. For example, you could try the simple method of rubbing ice over the blisters that develop in order to soothe the burning sensation as well as reduce the inflammation. The best way to do this would be to wrap the piece of ice in a thin cloth or towel and place it directly over the affected region. Baking soda, also known as bi-carbonate soda, is widely known for the benefits it has when it comes to treating herpes and other complications of the skin. All that is required is for you to dampen a cotton ball and coat it with a bit of baking powder and apply over the inflamed blisters. However, make sure that you do not re dip the cotton ball or tissue after it has been applied over the infection as this will only serve to contaminate the rest of the baking soda. Another very effective option would be to take a cup of olive oil and mix it with some amount of bee wax and lavender oil in a pot and cook the concoction. Once done, allow it to cool down before coating the herpes with the mixture.