Home Remedies For Toe Nail Discoloration | Nail Discoloration Treatment

By | March 25, 2010

Treating Nail Discoloration At Home

Toe nail discoloration is a result of the toe nail getting infected by a fungus known as Onychomycosis. This fungus thrives in warm and moist places. However, the effect of the fungus growth is seen only when the nail starts getting hard and brittle, and then discolored. This fungus affects the toe nails more than the finger nails. Our toe nails tend to break more due to tight-fitting shoes, are usually encased in socks and shoes that become damp due to sweaty feet, and our feet are subjected to more cuts and scratches than the hands. All these are excellent breeding grounds for the fungus to develop.

To get rid of the discoloration you will first need to take care of the existing fungus. For this, apply tea tree oil on the affected toe nails and gently massage it into your nails. Tea tree oil has anti-fungal properties and is highly effective in curing any kind of fungal infection. You can also mix lavender oil to the tea tree oil and apply that to your toe nails.

Pour one whole bottle of Listerine mouthwash in a tub full of warm water. Soak your feet in this water for at least 15 minutes. Listerine will keep the fungal growth in check. Alternatively, you can add vinegar to the warm water and soak your feet in that. This will also take care of the discoloration of the nail.

Another thing that will be equally effective in treating the fungus as well as removing the discoloration is soaking the feet in equal proportions of water and hydrogen peroxide. Apply freshly squeezed lemon juice on the affected nail; this too will help in taking care of the discoloration. Along with all these remedies, it is also necessary that you take the necessary precautions to avoid getting further infected by the fungus. Do not walk barefoot in any public place, especially gyms.

Wear cotton soaks so that the sweat from your feet gets absorbed easily. You can also apply anti-fungal powder before wearing the soaks. Avoid wearing tight fitting shoes – there should be no friction between your toes and the sides of your shoes. If there is friction, it will eventually damage your nails, making it easier for the fungus to enter the nails. After a bath or a swim, dry your feet thoroughly, and avoid wearing close fitting shoes immediately. Also, avoid cutting your nails too close to the skin.