Home Remedies For Moles | Facial Mole Removal Tips For Clean Profile

By | January 6, 2010

Learn How To Remove Moles From Face And Skin

A mole is regarded as a mark of beauty by many but deemed undesirable if one crops up at a wrong, awkward spot. Normally, moles are formed because of hyper-pigmentation, a condition in which a small part of the skin becomes darker than the normal color and may even become completely black.

Dealing With Ugly Moles On Face and Skin

Moles are completely harmless and may differ in sizes and colors too. If a mole has come up where you do not want it to, you can get rid of it the natural way.

To remove a mole, take some coriander, grind it into a fine paste and apply it over the mole. Do it regularly for a few days. The mole will fade away after some time. Applying the juice of onion is also known to remove moles if done on a regular basis.

You can add salt to a chopped raw onion and place it on the mole regularly to get rid of it. The application of cauliflower juice on the mole till it fades away also helps. Potatoes are also known to get moles to disappear. For that, take a slice of potato, place it over the mole and bind it with a tape. Leave it on for as long as you can to get rid of it. Alternatively, garlic can also be used to remove moles. Get a clove of garlic and paste it upon the mole in the same way to make it go away. Or roast the skin of pomegranate, grind it and mix lime juice in it equal amounts by weighing it. Do it regularly and let it stay for as long as you can to get effective results.

You should also consume enough of potassium in food as it is considered very effective in removing moles, blemishes, and other developments on the skin. Potassium is present in apple cider vinegar and banana, so make sure to make these a regular part of your diet. Also, apple cider vinegar can be used by applying it on the moles. Keep a piece of wet cloth dipped in hot water on the mole for around 20 minutes and dry it. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and place it on the mole for some time. Rinse with water and pat dry. Do it regularly to avail of effective results. Eating cabbage is also considered good for removal of moles, so that’s one more option to get rid of the undesirable growth on your skin.