Home Remedies For Corns | Removing Corns On Foot With Natural Treatments

By | January 5, 2010

Tips On How To Remove Corns On Foot | Effective Treatment For Removing Corns

The painful condition of corns is a matter of much concern. Even so, these are among the most common type of foot related issues faced by people these days. Thankfully, corns are not only common but also easier to heal. The term is given to the unruly bumps and calluses which may appear on our toes or even between them. Pressure and friction are the twin causes that result in the formation of corns. Shoes are typically the main culprits behind this painful condition. While we all love our sleek closed formal pairs of shoes, it could be the very reason we have to deal with corns.

A proper fit is essential if you want to prevent this foot condition. In some cases, improperly shaped toes can result in corns. Remember that those with diabetes need to be extra careful and alert to various foot problems and infections. If you do suffer from this condition and you notice anything wrong with your feet you should at the very least call your doctor. This is an important step, even for those who are pregnant or suffer from any kind of circulatory problems. It is very tempting to self-diagnose or even treat oneself when dealing with seemingly insignificant foot issues, but it is always better to be safe.

Tips For Treating Painful Corns On Toes

A healthy diet is necessary to treat corns and prevent infections. Opt for nutritious diet which is light, like one that includes fresh fruits in large amounts. Relief might be provided by Epsom salts once mixed with water which is warm, so as to prepare a foot soak. Strong chamomile tea has also been used to treat corns. If you don’t have any other medical problems, a moisturizer may be used after this. When dealing with corns, the right footwear can make all the difference.

Anyone who has experienced painful corns can tell you what a relief from pain, finding comfortable footwear can be. In footwear options, look for those that allow more room for toes. In fact, it would be preferable to do away with closed, uncomfortable footwear altogether and opt for sandals. Even at home, look for slippers that are designed for comfort. Fashion takes a backseat when one has this foot problem. Those tight fitting shoes and glamorous stilettos should give way to sensible shoes. You can still find shoes to match your outfit, but they need to be ones that allow your feet the space and comfort that they so desperately need.