Home Remedies For Back Pain | Treat Chronic Back Pain With Home Remedies

By | October 5, 2009

Curing Back Pain With Natural And Home Remedies

Back pain is generally referred to as the pain in the vertebral column or spine and is quite common in in this fast paced era. This can be attributed to the lack of physical activity and sedentary nature of most jobs. The problem is compounded with inappropriate or wrong postures. Slouching in front of the computer for hours at end does not do wonders for your back!

Back pain may also be caused by an abysmal state of the muscular system of the body, which in turn, can be attributed to inappropriate calcium balance in the body. As such, the major causes of back pain are bad body posture and lack of calcium in the body.

Easy Home Remedies For Acute Back Pain

Back pain may be cured by several easy home remedies some of which are listed below:

  • First of all, you must make it a point to sit in the correct posture so as to prevent the problem from getting aggravated. Try to sit with your back straight and avoid stooping or slouching. You should also maintain a proper posture while walking.
  • It is a good idea to consult a physical trainer or a physiotherapist for a regular exercise regimen which will help alleviate the problem.
  • You can use capsicum extract or juice to massage the affected area and relieve back pain. Capsicum contains an enzyme called capsaicin which is effective in curing pain. You may also use capsaicin cream for this purpose. Also, it is advised to include capsicum in your daily diet.
  • You may also consult an acupuncturist to treat the ailment using Chinese traditional therapy. This will help relieve back pain with a long term favorable impact on the body.
  • You must consume foods that are rich in Vitamin D as these foods help in depleting a pain causing neurotransmitter.
  • You must also consume foods rich in Vitamin B12.
  • Eat a diet rich in minerals like magnesium and calcium. As such, foods like milk and other dairy products and fish must be included in your daily diet.
  • You may use warm olive oil to massage your back. You may also use hot mustard oil or coconut oil as substitutes for olive oil. These oils are natural and as such have no side-effects.
  • Do consult a doctor because there can be various other causes of back pain like problems in the spinal disks or muscular imbalances.
  • You are advised not to consume pain killers as these may suppress the sensation of pain but will not have long term effects.