Home Remedies for Alopecia | Symptoms | Causes | Natural Essential Oils

By | May 21, 2010

Home Remedies for Alopecia

Alopecia is a condition characterized by a sudden hair loss. While it is normal to shed a certain amount of hair regularly, alopecia causes a sudden hair loss in a certain area thereby leading to the formation of bald patches. This can be very embarrassing and disfiguring. Alopecia is brought about by high levels of stress. While there are no established causes for Alopecia, it may be induced by factors that aggravate hair loss. So improper techniques of hair styling for instance, can also lead to severe hair loss. Using irons that are very hot or experimenting with styles that pull the hair too tight could also lead to hair loss. There are several simple home remedies to treat alopecia but is essential that you also seek medical advice regarding your rapid hair loss. One of the most effective home remedies for alopecia is massaging your scalp with fenugreek seeds. Soak some fenugreek seeds overnight and in the morning, use the liquid to massage your scalp. To help this solution seep into the skin of your scalp, wrap your head in a soft cotton cloth. If this solution is massage repeatedly it can help control the symptoms of alopecia. Another effective remedy for alopecia is raw egg yolk. Massage raw egg yolk onto your scalp to help relieve symptoms of hair loss. Leave it on for at least an hour before washing your hair. If applied regularly for a fortnight, this can help treat alopecia.

Henna is another effective remedy for alopecia. Apply some henna paste evenly over your scalp to help treat alopecia. Castor oil is greatly beneficial in the treatment of alopecia. Apply some castor oil on your scalp and then tie your hair with a soft cloth. Leave the castor oil overnight to help it seep into your skin. Repeat this treatment at least once a week for the best results.

Another effective remedy for alopecia is a mixture of egg yolk, lemon juice and olive oil. Prepare the mixture with one egg yolk, one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil. Essential oils are a good remedy for treating alopecia. Natural essential oils like thyme, lavender, rosemary and cedarwood mixed with grapeseed and jojoba will help treat alopecia. The juice of onions is also found to be effective in the treatment of alopecia. Apply the juice on an onion at least twice a day on your scalp to help promote hair growth and cure alopecia.