Anti Aging Skin Treatments | Prevent Aging Skin | Remedy | Causes

By | June 15, 2010

Home Remedies to Prevent Aging

As the saying goes, “all things must come to an end” and ageing is inevitable. However, it is important to keep in mind that although it is a part of life, ageing can be delayed though conscious efforts on our part. Trying to prevent ageing has been the holy grail of alchemists and scientists from time immemorial but it has only been recently when humans have understood DNA better that there is better understanding of why we age. Our DNA contains the instructions for every process in our life including when we age. This is encoded in DNA right at the end of every strand of DNA in arrangements called telomeres. These telomeres can be equated to the ends of each shoelace that protect the whole lace from fraying and falling apart. The telomeres are simply extra copies that are not of any use but are used to protect the DNA strands at the end from damage. When DNA is damaged, a cell cannot form or will form incorrectly. Aging takes place as we go through life. The cells in our bodies replicate and die and with each reproduction in cells, the original DNA telomere is snipped away slightly. At some point, the telomere is completely lost and the DNA is destroyed. It is at this point when we notice the signs of aging.

Anti Aging Skin Treatments

Considering the underlying process of aging, there is no way yet to prevent aging; however, preventing premature aging is something that can be done by each and every one of us. Premature aging has been attributed to chemical reactions in which free radicals react with telomerase to destroy it. Free radicals are a highly reactive species of chemicals and are created as a result of some of the natural body processes or are ingested. Some of these include carbon monoxide, pollutants from cigarette smoke, and some of the body’s toxins.

The only way to stop the damage from free radicals is to start the intake of antioxidants. Curiously, the body also produces its own antioxidants and one of these is the sleep hormone melatonin. An addition to this from the diet comes in the form of vitamin C and E. There are also some synthetic antioxidants that you can use like Alpha Lipoic Acid – an antioxidant that has substantial amounts of fame over the years for its properties. A diet high in oxidant rich foods like berries will help to prevent free radical damage within the body. Apart from the quick fix alternative of antioxidants, it is also important that we maintain our bodies to reduce the visible and invisible signs of ageing through exercise.