Diet Supplements For The Treatment Of Myopia

By | January 20, 2009

Natural Cure For Myopia Treatment And Myopia Correction

What should be the diet for the patients treated for myopia with surgery? How long does it take to completely recover and what diet plan should be followed?

Myopia or nearsightedness is a common problem, encountered by many individual. Certain symptoms of myopia are vertigo, headache, halo vision and pain in the eye. The eye ball is long in myopic individual, who generally benefit from concave glasses. It helps in the divergence of the light’s rays, thereby resulting in better vision. The fluid content in the eyeball is more in myopic. In certain cases, change in the fluidity, causes retinal rupture.

Diet for myopia includes the use of raw veggies and fruits. The list includes carrot, cabbage, onion, beetroot, dried fruits, cabbage, lettuce, spinach and potatoes. Fruits such as apples, plums, oranges, cherries, grapes and cherries, prove beneficial. These are abundant in vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, which prove to be highly beneficial. Foods such as refined sugar, coffee, jam, cakes, pastries, confectionary, meat and fish hinder with the digestive process, thereby creating problems.

Diet And Foods For Reducing Myopia

Vitamin A is one of the most required antioxidant nutrients. Raw spinach, carrots, butter, lettuce, milk cream, turnip tops, soy beans, green peas and dates are good sources of vitamin A. The recommended intake of vitamin A is around 25,000IU, on a daily basis. The tissues of the eye are affected. They also affect the vision of the eye, by making the visual purple, unavailable. Any kind of disturbance in the salt-water mechanism results in problems. Such interruptions are seen in puberty, infancy and adolescents. Care is essential during all stages, right from pregnancy of the mother. Disorders in certain glands also result in near sightedness. Improper dietary regimen and malnutrition are responsible for the same. A low protein and high carbohydrate diet increases the risk of myopia. Sugars and starches with low fat diet also contribute to the same. Deficiency of vitamins increases the risk of vision problems, and the above mentioned diets are prone to be deficient in vitamins.

High protein foods, such as meat, deskinned poultry; liver, dairy products and milk prove beneficial. Citrus fruits, table salt and fresh green leafy vegetables prevent the onset of near sightedness. Deficiency of vitamin B causes beriberi, which results in a severe form of electrolyte and water imbalance. Mild forms affect the vision, by acting upon the optic nerve. This in turn increases the quantity of liquid flow, into the eyes. Eye defects, glaucoma and myopia or near sightedness are the result of this deficiency. Fresh and wholesome foods are better alternatives for processed and packaged foods.