Uric Acid Measurement and Range of Uric Acid

By | November 10, 2008

How to Reduce Uric Acid For Normal Uric Acid Range?

The normal range for uric acid in women is 2.0 – 7.0 mg/dl per 24 hours. The range is likely to be higher with age. However the normal range may vary slightly among different laboratories. To get the correct interpretation of your result talk to your specialist as high uric acid levels may be due to many reasons. Some of these include a purine rich diet, gout, disorders that affect the white blood cells or the bone marrow and other rare syndromes. Your levels are 6.9 mg/dl so they are not considered too high. However ways to keep it under normal levels should be adopted. There are a number of diet tips to maintain your uric acid levels in the normal range. For specific medication you will need to consult a specialist. After a correct diagnosis and examination he/she would prescribe you medications to lower your uric acid levels, if needed. You can try the following dietary modifications to lower your uric acid levels –

Reducing Uric Acid

  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids in the form of coconut water, thin skimmed buttermilk, sugarcane juice, fresh unsweetened fruit juices and vegetable juices. An increased water intake will help you to increase your urine output and thus in turn help to flush out the excess uric acid from your system.
  • Lose weight if you are above your ideal body weight. Losing even a few pounds can drastically improve your uric acid levels. However avoid starving or going on any fad diet which restricts food intake as this can increase your uric acid levels and make matters worst. Go for a gradual weight loss with a combination of diet and exercise.
  • Decrease your intake of foods rich in purines. High uric acid is due to the breakdown of purines in the body. Purines are naturally present in our body as well as in the foods we eat. Some of the foods rich in purines are – meats, organ meats like liver and kidney, sweetbreads poultry, mackerel, herring, sardines, anchovies, lentils, peas, spinach, asparagus, alcohol, beer, mushrooms and yeast. Also avoid the gravies of meat and poultry as they are also rich in purines.
  • Focus on eating a healthy diet comprising of whole cereals, grains and its products along with fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid processed foods, refined foods, packed and canned foods, junk foods and oily or fatty foods.
  • Exercise or increase your physical activity. A simple exercise like brisk walking for 30-40 minutes daily will not only help to decrease your weight but also help to lower your uric acid levels and keep them in the normal range.

Uric acid reduction

There are several substances that are present in human urine and uric acid is one of those substances. Uric acid can be described as a byproduct that is formed by the metabolism of the purines, which are present in various foods. Uric acid is made up of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen as well as nitrogen and it contains strong antioxidant properties. However, if the amount of uric acid in a person’s blood stream goes above the normal uric acid levels, then it could lead to a painful condition known as gout. The excessive amount of uric acid that is present in the blood forms crystals, which get accumulated in the joints. The parts of the body that are affected the most are the toes. These crystals in the toe joints can lead to levels of pain that are so high they could actually wake a person up from deep sleep. Hence it is important to maintain the normal uric acid range within the body, in order to avoid suffering from such a painful condition.

The normal uric acid levels in a person’s urine can range between 3.0 mg/dl and 7.0 mg/dl. However, it has been seen that the normal range of uric acid fluctuates a bit, from one lab to another. It is comparatively rare to see a low level of uric acid in people, as opposed to high uric acid levels in the blood, even though there are a few factors that can lead to low levels of uric acid. These factors include genetics, liver malfunction, exposure to toxic chemicals and certain kidney diseases. However, there are many more factors that can take the uric acid levels above normal too.

In order to check if the levels of uric acid in the body are within the normal range or not, a doctor may need to conduct a medical exam and conduct a few lab tests too, to diagnose the exact cause of the high uric acid levels in the body. There could be two main factors that increase uric acid. The first one is that the body does not excrete the right amount of uric acid; the second is that the body is producing too much uric acid. Once the doctor determines the cause of the high levels of uric acid in the body, the appropriate measures can be taken for uric acid reduction.

The consumption of certain foods has been known to increase the levels of this waste product in the body, above the uric acid normal range in humans. Foods that are high in protein usually have this effect on the body. For effective uric acid reduction, most people are asked to strictly avoid or at least restrict the consumption of such foods.

Given below is a list of some of the foods that are high in purines and can therefore increase the levels of uric acid in the body:

• Most types of meat and meat products are very high in protein and purine, which include beef, pork, venison and lamb. At the same time meat organs kidneys, liver, brain, tongue and so on should be strictly avoided too.
• The flavor and texture of several gravies are usually enriched with meat extracts. These extracts can increase the levels of uric acid in the blood to a great extent.
• Several varieties of sea food can be instrumental in increasing the levels of uric acid in the blood. Therefore, for uric acid reduction, food items like sardines, haddock, mussels, anchovies, scallops, cod, herring, oysters, clams, lobsters, fish eggs and shrimp should be eaten only on certain occasions.
• Most people believe that all vegetables are a part of a uric acid prevention diet. However, that is not true, as certain vegetables are very high in protein. Some of the vegetables that should be avoided are spinach, peas, beans, cauliflower, asparagus and mushrooms. Vegetables like corn and potatoes should also be consumed no more than once a week.
• The most important thing that should be eliminated completely from a uric acid diet chart is alcohol. While all alcoholic beverages have a bad effect on people who have high levels of uric acid in their body, beer is believed to be the worst.
• Any beverages or food items that are high in sugar could lead to several health problems, which include gout. Therefore, foods that contain high amounts of sugar should be eaten in small quantities.

Uric acid diet plan

While there are many foods that could increase the levels of uric acid in the body, there are certain food items that can also help in uric acid reduction.

Given below are some of the foods that can help reduce the levels of uric acid in the body:

• Certain fresh fruits can work wonders on uric acid reduction and hence, fruits such as strawberries, blueberries and bananas should be eaten on a regular basis. Several health experts also state that wild cherries, black cherries or the juice of cherries should be consumed every day, to reduce uric acid.
• Dairy products are usually excellent for preventing gout, as they reduce the levels of uric acid in the body. Hence, most health experts advise patients to increase their daily intake of plain yogurt, low fat milk as well as cheese (preferably low fat).
• A uric acid reduction diet is incomplete without a high amount of water. Uric acid, as well as any other toxins that are present in the human body, usually get flushed out by drinking high amounts of water. Hence, it is important to increase the consumption of water and if possible to drink more than the recommended minimum of 8 glasses a day.

Apart from following a uric acid foods diet plan, there are other ways of reducing the levels of uric acid in the body too. Many people practice Pilates, Yoga asana (poses) and other exercises, to reduce the discomfort caused by the buildup of uric acid in the body. However, it is important to consult a doctor, before making any dietary changes or trying out any exercises for uric acid reduction.