Home Remedies For Eye Strain | Eye Irritation Natural Remedies And Cures

By | January 20, 2010

Eye Irritation Treatment And Strained Eyes Cure

Eye strain can happen due to working at the computer for long hours, reading under a dim light, reading for extended period of times and reading a book with very small print. If you feel that your eyes are strained, then it is advisable to try to relax them. There are several ways to refresh your eyes – splashing cold water, looking at greenery, tea bags and placing slices of cool cucumber. Let’s look at ways of refreshing your eyes.

Sleep is the best way to prevent and treat eye strain. Even a short nap will leave you refreshed. If you can’t sleep because of time constraints, then close your eyes for a short while. Rest is the best remedy for eye strain as well as other health problems.

Remedial Measures For Treating Strained Eyes

If your have eye strain, then dim the lights in your room or move to the shade of a tree or in a place with less light. Close your eyes for a while to feel refreshed. Even the color of the walls in the room can help relieve eye strain. When the eyes are strained bright lights and a lot of bright colors can worsen the situation. A room with pastel walls is suitable for curing eye strain.

  • Splash cold water on your face and eyes. You can even place ice cubes on your eyelids for relief. Alternatively, wrap a cube of ice in a piece of clean cloth, and place the ice pack on your closed eyelids. You can even use an eye mask for relief.
  • A steaming towel with a drop or two of eucalyptus oil can bring relief to your strained eyes. You can even take steam to feel better.
  • Another remedy that you can make use of is an eye pack of cucumber slices and tea bags. Place a tea bag or a slice of cool cucumber on your eye lids for relief. Keep these on the eye lids for a few minutes.
  • Water is answer to your problems. Drink enough water through the day to stay hydrated. Lack of fluids can cause health problems and can even place a strain on  your eyes.
  • You may like to lubricate your eyes with eye drops or artificial tears. Speak to an eye specialist or an optometrist about this.
  • If you wear contact lenses, then make sure that you remove your lenses before sleeping. Wearing contact lenses for a long time can cause eye strain too.
  • You might like to massage your face to improve the blood circulation.