Home Remedies For Carpel Tunnel Syndrome | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment

By | November 11, 2009

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Home Cures And Treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a very common condition that is characterized by the presence of excessive pain in the wrist and hand. The carpal tunnel is the tight space that exists in between the fibrous tissue, which acts as a support for the joint, and the wrist bone. Through this small, tight space passes a nerve called the median nerve which plays a significant role in receiving sensations from the thumb, index and middle fingers of the hand. Any kind of change in position of the tissue or inflammation in the area will apply some amount of pressure on the median nerve which, when irritated, causes a sense of tingling and numbness in various parts of the hand. There are a number of factors that lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.

A person’s profession can place them a significantly higher risk than others when it comes to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Musicians, meat packers, carpenters, mechanics and individuals that use computers excessively are all highly likely to develop the condition. Trauma to the wrist, such as that of a fracture, as well as the presence of a medical condition like rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid disease are also likely to trigger the onset of the condition. Most sufferers of the condition will experience a higher amount of pain during the night than in the day – sometimes even to the extent that the individual is unable to sleep.

Lifestyle Changes For Treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The only way to treat the condition is to adapt your life to make sure that it does not cause too much of a inconvenience to your routine. When affected by the condition, you must make a conscious effort to lose any excessive weight as this could apply unnecessary stress onto the affected area. If you start to notice any fatigue or tiredness in the joints or muscles – take it as a sign that you need to change your posture or pattern of movement.

Try taking a break whenever you get the chance in order to allow your muscles to rest and de-stress. If you notice any kind of swelling, try applying an ice pack over the area for anywhere between 5 to 15 minutes about 2 or 3 times a day. If the primary cause of the condition is trauma such as a fracture or muscle sprain, you may need to consult your doctor in order to identify the best method of treatment.