Diet For Chronic Abdominal Pain
My mom is having abdominal pain and discomfort, abdominal swelling, foul breath, pain and discomfort in right breast, painful bowel movements. What could it be? Please suggest the diet for treating these symptoms
Abdominal discomfort and pain accompanied by a general feeling of discomfort, diarrhea, constipation or irregular and painful bowel movements are all symptoms of an Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Women who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome complain of aggravation of symptoms during the menstrual cycle. While there is no fixed cause for this condition, it is usually linked to poor eating habits and a diet deficient in certain nutrients. You should start making a note of your symptoms and when they occur.
You should also note your diet, with special attention to the foods that seem to trigger discomfort, diarrhea or constipation and then prepare a new diet chart excluding these problem foods. The foods that generally trigger Irritable Bowel Syndrome include dairy products such as milk, fresh cream, sour cream, ice cream etc. People who have lactose intolerance most often have trouble digesting these products. Apart from dairy products, certain vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, beans and onions, citrus foods, refined sugars and refined flour products. Spicy foods as well as friend and processed foods can also trigger symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Diet And Cure For Abdominal Pain
You can control the symptoms and treat irritable bowel syndrome by improving your diet and eating habits. It is important to drink the requisite amount of liquids in the form of water and fresh fruit juices to keep your body well hydrated and also to improve digestion. This will also help to kill the foul smell emanating from the mouth by getting rid of the bacteria that are residing in the oral cavity. You should have several small meals a day, instead of having two large meals.
Since small meals are easier to digest than big and heavy meals, they can help to reduce abdominal pain and diarrhea. It is generally recommended to eat your food slowly, taking your time to chew properly. This is not just so you can relish the taste of the food but also because chewing the food properly aids digestion and activates movement of saliva in the mouth, killing the odor producing bacteria which reside in the oral cavity. Fiber aids digestions and helps to regularize bowel movements thus reducing constipation and the consequent abdominal discomfort and foul breath. You should thus increase your intake of fiber by consuming more fresh fruits and vegetables but sometimes too much fiber can also cause a problem, so remember not to overdo it! A regular routine of exercise is also beneficial in treating abdominal cramps and bowel disorders. You can start with a light exercise routine and regular walks and gradually increase the exercise as your stamina increases.
Almost every single person across the globe has suffered from a stomach ache at some point or the other. The severity of the pain could vary, based on the cause of the stomach pain. There could be numerous factors that could lead to a stomach ached in people; some of the causes could be harmless, like overeating, or gas, whereas the others could be a major cause for concern, like a stomach infection. Most people tend to use over the counter medication or simple home remedies to alleviate a stomach pain. There are others who simply ignore the stomach pain and let it pass on its own, which it usually does, after a while. In case the problem becomes a regular occurrence, because of eating habits, it is quite common for people to follow a stomach pain diet.
Stomach pain diet
Since food is one of the key triggers of a stomach pain, it is only natural for people to follow a stomach pain diet, to control regular spells of this ailment, caused by food. A good diet for stomach pain will eliminate those foods, which lead to flatulence, constipation, diarrhea or inflammation. In addition to that a stomach pain diet includes good food for stomach pain.
Stomach pain food
There are several types of foods that cause stomach pain. The list of common food causing stomach pain includes fish, beef, mayonnaise and alcohol.
There are several other foods that should be eliminated from a stomach pain diet, which include:
• Since tomatoes, citrus fruits, commercial condiments and juices contain high acidic levels, they could also trigger off severe stomach pain caused by acidity.
• Processed foods and other foods that are made out of refined flour lead to constipation, which is why they could cause severe stomach and abdominal pain. This is also the case with foods that are high in sugar or animal fat.
• Caffeine, which can also be regarded as a legal drug, is a stimulant, which does not allow the muscles of the stomach to relax. Hence, beverages like coffee, teas, sodas and hot chocolate should be avoided by people who are prone to regular stomach pain.
• Spices have the tendency to lead to acidity and they could also lead to stomach inflammation, if consumed in excessive amounts. Moreover, spices can worsen the presence of ulcers, even if they are not the direct cause of ulcers. However, not all spices are bad for the body. Garlic, which is also a spice, has an excellent effect on the overall body and can also work wonders on the digestive system. Cinnamon is another spice, which can help control several body conditions, including digestion, reducing acidity and expelling gas and so on.
• Although milk is important for the body, especially children, most people find it difficult to digest it. Hence, the consumption of whole milk and other full fat dairy products could lead to severe cases of indigestion and stomach pain.
• Of course, in case a person is allergic towards a certain type of food, or suffers from any type of food intolerance, then it is natural for a person to suffer from a stomach pain after eating such foods. Hence, such foods are regarded as bad foods for stomach pain.
Good diet stomach pain
There are several varieties of foods that can alleviate a stomach pain, soothe the inflammation and therefore, they are good for the stomach. Such foods should be added as a regular part of a diet for abdominal pain, especially in case of those people who suffer from chronic stomachaches.
Some of the good foods that should be included in an abdominal pain diet are:
• Bananas: Contrary to what many people believe, bananas can actually help alleviate a stomach pain, since it is an easily digestible fruit. Several health experts advise people to eat one banana daily, to combat stomach problems. In certain countries like India, people eat homemade bread to which banana has been added, so that gastritis ulcers can be prevented. Bananas not only help any wounds in the stomach to heal, but they can overcome their heartburn.
• Rice: Several people eat plain softened rice to soothe pain and irritation in the stomach. This cereal contains Demulcent properties, making it excellent for relieving stomach pain. Other cereals which are very effective too are wheat and oats.
• Apples: This fruit is packed with nutrients as well as other substances, which destroy the presence of harmful bacteria in the intestinal tract. However, it is important to ensure that apples are not eaten in excess or else they could lead to the formation of gas, which in turn could aggravate stomach pain problems.
• Toast: Dry toast is very good for neutralizing the acidity in the stomach, which reduces stomach pain.
• Carrots: Several health experts recommend eating carrots to cure certain stomach problems, especially constipation, as this vegetable contains a natural laxative. In fact, doctors ask several parents to strain a boiled carrot in a certain way, so that it can be fed to a baby, in a bottle, for alleviating stomach pain problems. Apart from that, carrots are loaded with nutrition and can be digested very easily.
• Figs: Since this fruit is very high in mucilage, it is good for the health of the digestive tract, especially the intestines.
• Yogurt: The stomach requires certain bacteria, in order to process all the foods that have been digested. Therefore, a lack of bacteria could lead to stomach pain, as the food does not get digested. This ingredient contains natural and healthy bacteria, which is very helpful, when it comes to soothing a stomach pain.
While a stomach pain diet is fairly safe for most people of all ages, if it is followed correctly, it is best to consult a doctor before switching over to it, or to any other diet for that matter. In case the stomach problems do not get better even after following a stomach pain diet for a few weeks, then it is important to seek medical attention and treatment.