Calories in Juices and Juices for Diabetes

By | November 17, 2008

Benefits of Juices and Fresh Fruit Juices for Diabetes

Fresh fruits and fruit juices do not cause diabetes. In fact no food causes diabetes per say if eaten in recommended amounts. If you have diabetes you need to eat certain foods in restricted amounts or avoid certain foods completely. But no food including fruits and fruit juices can cause diabetes. The exact causes for diabetes in still not known but there are many risk factors involved. These include heredity, obesity, irregular unhealthy diet, age, infections, smoking and stress. Eating a diet that comprises mainly of abundant simple carbohydrates, fats, and proteins will definitely harm your body and put you at risk for obesity and other related problems including diabetes. Modern westernized diet basically comprises of junk foods, simple carbohydrates (sugar, cakes, candies, pastries bakery foods, sweets, jam, carbonated drinks), fatty foods all of which causes faulty eating habits. These foods should be avoided as they no only provide empty calories without the supply of other vital nutrients but they are the major cause for obesity which can lead to diabetes.

Fruit for Diabetes and Juices for Healing

You can include all the fruits and fruit juices in your diet as no fruit will cause diabetes. However if you have diabetes then certain fruits that are high in carbohydrates and calories should be taken in restricted amounts. These fruits include mango, banana, sapota, and custard apple.

Fruit juices and fruit milkshakes should also be avoided if you have diabetes (or even if you are overweight or obese) as they are very low in fiber and provide lot of simple calories to your diet. You can choose any other fresh fruit instead of fruit juices or fruit milkshakes if you have diabetes. Fruits are an excellent way to satisfy your sweet taste buds and also prove to be good in between meal fillers. Fresh fruit are loaded with vital nutrients and can be a healthy option for anyone.

Moreover, they are also low in calories so they can be a very good choice for people with diabetes and the ones who are keen to lose weight. However make a point to include a variety of seasonal fruits in your diet as no one fruit will provide all the essential nutrients. Preferably eat all the fruits with their skin as much of the nutrients and fiber are just below the skin. Also eat fruits before or after a 2 hour gap from your meals. Never club fruits or fruit juices with your meals. This is because they have simple carbohydrates which can be easily digested than the complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats from your meals.