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Zero Carb Diet Weight Loss Secrets

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on July 17, 2016

The no carb, or zero carb diet is not necessarily new, it actually has roots in our past. Our ancient ancestors lived in a hunting and gathering society. Most of their diet consisted of meat, nuts, grains and a few greens. In large their diets were animal protein and meat based. Also, they drank water rather than variety of flavored drinks we consume today.

This no carb diet used fat as its significant source of protein.

Today our diets are fueled with carbs, and only a little protein. Medical experts have changed our diets with scary stories about the dangers of fats and meats. However they have said very little until recently about the real culprit, carbs.

You see, carbs produce a lot of glucose.

Our brain craves glucose, but our body and organs suffer from this high carb rush diet. When an individual switches to a zero carb diet, the body starts to use fat from meat to produce glucose. The body does this by breaking down the fat and converting ketones to glucose.

Ketones are created as a by product of the body breaking down animal fats. Therefore no carb diets are ketogenic in nature.

Research now tells us that foods with high carbs are really "fat bombs." The body immediately takes the carbs from the food and produces huge amounts of glucose. This sugar rush is damaging to every part of your body from the liver to the kidneys.

Also, the body takes this sugar bomb of glucose and immediately stores it as extra fac. Consequently you gain massive amounts of weight.

So no carb diets are healthier than high carb diets. These type of diets use foods rich in animal proteins. The point of the diets is not to promote high saturated fat consumption, but rather to limit your carb consumption.

In this type of diet, 65 to 75 percent of your nutrition comes from animal proteins. Only 25 - 35 grams a day will come from carbs.

Your body has simply switches to deriving glucose by breaking down your fat. Glycogen is stored by your body in this type of nutritional program. The stored glycogen is then used to create the glucose for your body.  This type of diet will burn fat and helps reduce risks factors for heart disease. The idet can also help in treating diabetes and epilepsy.

You can eat vegetables in a no carb diet, you just need to calculate the carbs and make sure that you do not go over the 25-35 grams per day. Green leafy vegetables are low in carbs, so you can incorporate them into your diet.

There are several foods you must never eat in this diet. The number one "carby" items to avoid are foods made with added sugar. Sugary foods of all types should be avoided with this diet. Remember, even though milk is an animal product it contains loads of sugar. So limit your milk intake.

The next largest offenders are foods made from refined flour such as bread, crackers and pastries. Next on carb list are high starch grains like white rice and corn. Don't' forget even tortillas are made from either corn or white, refined flour. In a no carb diet all these type of foods should be limited.

Think of it this way. Your diet should mostly consist of vegetables and meat. You can also include many nuts and cheese in your diet since these are low carb. Once you start filling up on meat protein instead of carbs, you will notice weight reduction and more energy. Carbs make our bodies sleepy because of the high glucose they create. Meat protein however, provides us stable energy without the carbs to slow us down.

Yes, you can however eat too much meat. You should not become a meat glutton, since meats (especially red meats) do create other risk factors that are concerning. Please contact your doctor before starting any diet. Only your doctor can tell you if a no carb diet is right for you.
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