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Diet for Menorrhagia

April 19, 2011
Menorrhagia is the condition where during menstruation an excessive amount of bleeding is noticed along with the ‘period’ lasting too long. There are some causes that may trigger menorrhagia. These include problems with the lining of the uterus, blood clotting problems and hormonal problems. Blood clotting problems may also present themselves on other wounds in the body and this would help in pointing to the cause of the problem.

Menorrhagia is noted in women at the beginning and end of their reproductive lives.

Girls who are becoming sexually mature and women who are about to undergo menopause are the prime risk groups for this condition. In both these cases, the condition is linked to hormone levels as these are changing rapidly during these periods. In both situations, menorrhagia is expected to pass on its own.

However, there may be other causes for menorrhagia that are not part of the life cycle of a woman.

To treat these, one may follow a better diet which will help to balance the hormone and vitamin levels in the body and improve overall health.

In many cases, menorrhagia is linked with high estrogen levels. It is therefore possible to follow the diet listed below as healthy way of balancing your body and preventing this ailment as well as many others.

One should have a diet that is high fiber.

A high fiber diet will improve the entire digestive process. Because the digested food is easier to pass through the intestines, your digestive system will be under less stress and will naturally function more efficiently. An efficient digestive process means that your body will absorb the nutrients better.
Avoid alcohol completely as this is linked with higher estrogen levels.

Whole grain breads and fruits are suggested as natural foods that will provide you with healthy nutrition.

Another major help for women is to exercise. Exercising has been linked with lower estrogen levels. However, as in the case with female athletes, too much exercise and reduced food intake means that estrogen production is so low that menses does not occur. This is the other extreme to the condition where excessive menstruation takes place. Therefore, a balanced diet and a balanced exercise regime are recommended to provide you with the right nutrition. Eating vegetables such as cabbage and broccoli will also provide you with some vital nutrients that you may be ignoring.
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