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Best Aphrodisiac Foods List

Submitted by Loring A. Windblad on August 3, 2010

What are Aphrodisiac Foods? An aphrodisiac is any agent that causes arousal or induces feelings of sexual desire. The word aphrodisiac comes from “Aphrodite,” the Greek goddess of sensuality. Aphrodisiacs can be chemical, natural, or visual, and work differently in each individual case. There are certain foods and beverages that are universally considered to be strong aphrodisiacs as they release certain chemicals in the body.  These chemicals excite many of our senses through a combination of taste, texture, and appearance.

Aphrodisiacs have a great impact on sex life and boost sexual performance due to their physiological and psychological effects. Given below are the top eight aphrodisiac foods list.
  • Chocolates: Chocolates are known to release chemicals like serotonin and phenylethylamine, which are psychoactive and make you feel happy. Chocolate also increase the release of dopamine in the brain.

    Chocolates affect the brain the same way as marijuana does, putting the individual in a state of temporary euphoria, inducing feelings of stimulation and attraction.
  • Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium and Vitamin B, which are essential for the production of the sex hormone. Consuming bananas stimulates the desire for sex, increases blood sugar instantly, and enhances the male libido.
  • Oysters: Oysters are known to be high in zinc, which helps produce sperm and increases libido.

    It also improves sexual potency in men as it is a key mineral required for testosterone production. Eating raw oysters is believed to increase both arousal and fertility. Oysters are also high in protein and very nutritious.

    However, it is more likely that their shape makes them an aphrodisiac.
  • Chilies and Spices: Chilies or spicy foods have an exotic reputation and stimulate endorphins. They contain the chemical capsaicin that induces the release of endorphins, speeds up the metabolism, and increases circulation. Spices such as ginger, ginkgo, and fennel are effective aphrodisiacs as they enhance circulation. Also, fennel provides natural plant estrogens.
  • Vanilla: Vanilla induces passion due to its erotic scent, and having fresh vanilla beans heightens both flavor and desire.
  • Raspberries and Strawberries: These foods are high in vitamin C and are ideal as an aphrodisiac. In fact, they have been described in erotic literature as fruit nipples.
  • Wine: Wine enhances a romantic interlude and helps to stimulate our senses. Drinking wine is itself an erotic experience. It is an aphrodisiac also because of its color.
  • Figs: An open fig emulates the female sex organs and acts as sexual stimulant. In the case of figs, it is the shape of the fruit that makes it a visual aphrodisiac.
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