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Foods Good for Your Eyes

Submitted by Stella Morgan on December 14, 2010

What is a healthy diet for eyes?

Most people follow a balanced and a nutritional diet that has been customized to meet the requirements of their bodies. Therefore, it is common to see people eating a healthy diet for the heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, and so on, based on the body part that they want to focus on. However, most people do not realize that the eye is an integral part of the human body and has several requirements too. Therefore, it is important for all people to understand that they need to follow a proper “eyes healthy diet”, in order to avoid vision and eye health problems. There are some people who have managed to use a diet for the eyes to improve their eyesight along with the overall health of the eyes.

A diet for eye health should be very high in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Diet eye health

There are many foods that are known to act as nutrition for eyes, thereby improving their overall health and reducing eye related problems. Some of the important vitamins and nutrients that should be a part of every eyes healthy diet are:

• Vitamin A: In order to maintain a healthy eyesight at all times of the day, it is important to eat a lot of foods that are high in Vitamin A, such as carrots, spinach, broccoli and sweet potato.

The deficiency of vitamin A could lead to blurry vision during the night time in many young adults and even children. In elderly people, mainly, people who are over the ages of 40, the lack of Vitamin A could lead to an eye condition known as glaucoma.
• Vitamin C: This vitamin can be found in various berries and citrus fruits which make up an integral part of a healthy diet for eyes.

The regular intake of Vitamin C can reduce the risks of edema in the retina, especially in case of people who are suffering from diabetes. Other eye problems such as clouding of the eye and cataract can also be avoided. • Vitamin E: Foods that are rich sources of vitamin E and are therefore good for the overall health of the eyes are nuts, eggs, whole grains and certain types of vegetable oil.

• Omega 3 fatty acids: This nutrient is very important for good eye health and proper vision. The intake of omega 3 fatty acids can be increased by including plenty of walnuts, salmon, flax seed and mackerels in a healthy diet for the eyes.

However, it is important to realize that the eyes are very delicate parts of the body and should be well taken care of at all times. Apart from following a healthy diet for eyes on a regular basis, it is also advisable to engage in eye exercises and follow strict eye care measures on a regular basis. People who use lenses, should make sure that their lenses are well stored and kept clean at all times. Using a pair of lenses for long hours or for a longer duration than is allowed can be very bad for the eyes. It is also important to undergo eye checkups and vision tests on a regular basis to maintain good health of the eyes.

Good Foods for Eyes: Appropriate food that contains the right vitamins is a vital aspect of eye care. All the essential vitamins and nutrients required for maintaining and improving eyesight are present in the foods that we eat. What is important is the knowledge of what to avoid and what to eat. Vitamins A, C, and E are the primary nutrients required for healthy eyes. Vitamin A prevents night blindness, vitamin E is required to maintain overall eye health, and vitamin C helps prevent glaucoma. Additional minerals required to maintain eye health are selenium and zinc. They help in the process of oxidation and enable body to absorb the required antioxidants in the body.

A healthy diet includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Eating appropriate food is as important as finding the right mix of foods that help the body digest nutrients properly. Water, not considered as a part of food, should form the most essential constituent in our diet. Drink at least six to seven glasses of water every day as it not only improves digestion but also helps flush out toxins from the body. Minimize intake of caffeinated and sugar containing drinks.

Vitamin A rich foods such as carrots, spinach, peanuts, tomatoes, peppers, mangoes, squash, potatoes, apricot, cod liver oil, and all kinds of sea food help prevent night blindness. Fresh foods are considerably rich in vitamins A and C. It is advised to take vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A with small amount of fat in the diet.

Vitamin E is another antioxidant that helps maintain overall eye health and reduces eye pressure. Wheat gram, sunflower seeds, almonds, peanut butter, mangoes, corn oil etc. are Vitamin E rich sources. All types of nuts are also good sources of vitamin E.

Vitamin C helps slowing the growth of cataract in the eyes. Vitamin C rich sources of foods include citrus fruits and juices, papaya, strawberries, raspberries, mangoes, broccoli, and cauliflower. Vitamin C rich food should be consumed as fresh as possible because light and heat reduces its potency. This nutrient is not stored in the body for long, so it is essential to consume this nutrient daily.

These are few good food sources of vitamins that are good for the eyes. However, there are many components required to maintain good health of the eyes. Wash your eyes regularly to keep them in good shape and condition.

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